The General Approach to the Post-Operative Patient

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Last updated: May 18, 2020
Revisions: 16

Original Author(s): Ollie Jones
Last updated: May 18, 2020
Revisions: 16

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Key Points to Remember

Perform an ‘End-Of-The-Bed-O-Gram’:

  • Look at the patient.
  • Look at the observation chart.
  • Speak to the nurse.

Use the ‘system of 5′:

History Examination
  1. Onset
  2. Progression
  3. Duration
  4. Associated Symptoms
  5. Risk Factors
  1. Consent
  2.  Inspection
  3.  Palpation
  4.  Percussion
  5.  Auscultation
Investigations Management
  1. Bedside tests
  2.  Blood tests
  3.  Microbiology
  4.  Imaging
  5.  Specialist tests
  1. Does the patient need oxygen?
  2. Fluid balance: IV fluids? Urinary catheter?
  3.  Drugs: Analgesia, Anti-emetic, Antibiotics
  4.  VTE prophylaxis
  5.  Escalation